What types of independent grants does Pfizer support?
Detailed information about our independent grants is available to Health Care Professionals through the “Independent Grants” tab on our Pfizer Israel Science homepage.
What types of Pfizer-sponsored and collaborative RWE studies does Pfizer support?
Pfizer has significant interest to advance insights into use of our medicines and the diseases they treat through conducting high-quality, transparent and reliable RWE studies. The research may include non-interventional studies (NIS), low-interventional studies (LIS) or pragmatic clinical trials (PCT) and NIS may be prospective or retrospective. NIS evaluate patients who are being treated and followed-up with routine standard of care (SOC) by their physician and no non-SOC, study-specific visits or procedures are permitted. LIS are similar, except that certain low-level, non-therapeutic interventions that pose only minimal risk or burden may be allowed; examples include use of a wearable device or occasional blood draws. PCT differ from LIS in that study participants are assigned a non-medicinal intervention or an approved, marketed therapeutic intervention, to assess its effect on a clinical outcome, and similar to LIS, minimal risk procedures are also allowed.
Pfizer may be the sponsor of such studies, in which case it handles all regulatory and legal aspects of the trial; or it may form a Research Collaboration with a clinical partner, in which case the latter is the study Sponsor. In either case, Pfizer and the clinical partner work closely to develop and execute a study that meets the high standards of both partners.
Please contact your Medical Affairs representative should you like to discuss the possibility of initiating a collaborative or Pfizer-sponsored study.